What is QUest Log?

Quest Log is a digital humanities site created for and by members of the USM Game Studies Group. This website is where all members of the Game Studies Group can submit their creative, written, audio, or video work as part of a digital showcase about and inspired by video games and gaming culture. We welcome critical works, game reviews, creative pieces, memoirs, podcast episodes, gaming videos, and artwork.

what can i submit?

We are interested in anything about video games and gaming culture. Currently, we accept the following:

  • Game Reviews

  • Critical Essays

  • Blog Posts

  • Prose or Poetry

  • Flash Fiction

  • Creative Nonfiction

  • Visual Art or Visual Essays

  • Memoirs or Personal Refections

  • Indie Game Showcases

  • Dev Interviews

  • Gaming Videos

  • Gaming Podcasts

How Do I submit?

We accept submissions via our contact page or by emailing us directly at usm.lit.games@gmail.com. We ask that you include your name, the title of your piece, the genre of your submission, and any other relevant information. Please put the genre of your submission in the subject line of your email.

Do I have to be a member of the Game studies group?

Nope! We accept any submissions from both current undergraduate and graduate students of the University of Southern Mississippi, as well as alumni. You don’t have to be a member of the GSG, but you’re always welcome to join us!

How long do game reviews have to be?

Game reviews can be as short as a paragraph or as long as an essay! There is no specific formatting or set of rules for game reviews.

The game doesn’t have to be new for you to write a review either. We welcome game reviews for any and all games, no matter how old or how new.

What Should I write for a blog post?

We’re open to nearly anything and everything! If you have interesting thoughts about a game, want to explore critical aspects of games and gaming without the formality of a research paper, or just have a fun story to tell, then write a blog post about it!

Do I have to commit to blogging regularly?

Nope! Though we may explore options to have regular bloggers in the future, submitting a blog post does not mean committing to a schedule or to future posts. They can be one-offs or infrequent posts.

That said, if you’re interested in becoming a regular blogger for Quest Log, let us know!

How Long can essays or fiction pieces be?

Critical works, essays, prose fiction, and creative nonfiction can be as short as a few lines, like flash fiction, but should be no longer than 2000 words at maximum. We may reach out to you to request that you cut down your submission before we post it on Quest Log.

What kind of art do you accept?

We are looking to feature visual art about and inspired by games. We accept all art mediums, but ask that your submission be a clear PNG, JPG, JPEG, or PDF file.

What if I have a video or podcast series?

We encourage you to submit a blog post describing your series and linking us to your website, YouTube channel, or podcast so that we can spread the word about good gaming content! However, we are not currently featuring repeated episodes of vlogs, gaming channels, or podcasts on a regularly scheduled basis.

If you are interested in submitting a single podcast or video episode, please submit a link to the episode along with a blurb or introduction paragraph.

Is there a limit to video or podcast length?

We do not currently have a maximum time for videos or podcasts.

Don’t see your question? Message us using the contact page or email us at usm.lit.games@gmail.com!